With Christmas almost upon us, its easy to race through to the end of the year without pausing to reflect. The past year has flown by and it hasn't always been easy - but we've made it and we can learn from it. In this, our last blog of 2021 we share our own personal reflections and learnings from the past year.

I think my biggest reflection and learning has been to control the things I can control and let the other things go. With so much going on in the world it’s easy to become overwhelmed. After everything we’ve all been through the past two years, I found it really useful for my mental health to focus on those elements of my life I could control rather than get caught up in a negative spiral – sometimes that meant turning off the TV and social media and switching off – that way I could control the information I consumed.
I’ve been reminded in 2021 of the importance of stepping away from the work / workspace, for clear thinking, to generate and nurture ideas and creativity. Letting my brain to just meander and ponder without a specific task. I find I have my best ideas away from my desk! Being away from our workspaces is good for our brains, for our mental health and it’s an added booster for problem solving and creativity.
My biggest take away from 2021? Have courage and be kind. Take the leap of faith, don't be afraid to try new things, and do it with kindness both to yourself and others. It's been another bumpy year with highs and lows for so many, but there is a magic to be had from reaching outside what you know and trying something new.